How to charge a plug-in hybrid at home

how to charge a plug-in hybrid at home

Charging your plug-in hybrid (PHEV) at home is pretty straightforward, similar to charging your phone. Here’s what you need to know:

Charging Options

You’ve got two main choices for charging at home:

  • Level 1 Charging: This uses a standard 120-volt wall outlet, the kind you’d plug a toaster into. It’s the slowest option but works in a pinch. Most PHEVs come with a charging cable compatible with a regular outlet.
  • Level 2 Charging: This is a faster method that uses a 240-volt outlet, similar to your dryer. It will require a dedicated charging station installed in your garage by a qualified electrician. However, it significantly reduces charging time.
how to charge a plug-in hybrid at home

Making the Choice

  • Level 1 is good for: Occasional charging, topping off the battery for short trips, or if you don’t have access to a 240-volt outlet.
  • Level 2 is ideal for: Regular charging, PHEV owners who want to maximize electric driving, and those who take frequent longer trips.

Additional Tips:

  • Check your owner’s manual: It will have specific instructions for charging your PHEV model.
  • Consider your electrical system: Make sure your home’s electrical system can handle the additional load of a Level 2 charger. Consulting a qualified electrician is recommended for installation.
  • Think about charging times: Level 1 charging can take several hours, while Level 2 can fully charge your battery in a few hours.
  • Public charging: Don’t forget about public charging stations as an option for topping off the battery when you’re out and about.
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